Spider and the Fly (The)

Release Date: 1/30/2024

Duration: 14:01

Show Website: https://www.heartmatters-ok.org/ 

Summary: A spider named Siegfried has moved into Felicia the Fly’s neighborhood. She’s been warned not to get near the spider’s home. Is Siegfried as dangerous as her mom says or is Siegfried actually a good friend?

Executive Producer: Kristie Jardot

Producer: Austin Peachey

Director: Austin Peachey

Writer: Austin Peachey

Recording Engineer: N/A

Sound Design: Marc Mulcahy

Composer: Marc Mulcahy

Artwork/Package Design: ?


The Storyteller - Jonathan Cooke

Felicia - Christiana Thomas

Felicia's Mother - Trisha Rose

Siegfried - J.D. Sutter